The Karussell
The Karussell
The original Nurburgring was built in the 1920s to provide work for the impoverished Eifel mountain region. Originally composted of two sections, the 22.810km/14.173mi Nordschleife "North loop" and the 7.747km/4.814 mi Sudschleife ("South Loop"). The Nordschleife became the home of the German Grand Prix and its sections famous themselves. Parts of the track like Flugplatz, Fuchsrhre, Bergwerk, Karussell, Brnnchen, Pflanzgarten all had its fans and it wasn't unusual to have crowds counted in the hundreds of thousands attending major events
The Karussell illustrates the scope of the Nrburgring. In the far background the tower of the medieval Nurburg that overlooks the Start/Finish line is visible. This gives a sense of the size of the 22.810 km (14.173 mi) Nordschleife.
The original image was shot at the 1974 ADAC 6-Hour Touring car race.